Currently Discovery Early Career Researcher (Australian Research Council DECRA) at the MARCS Institute (Western Sydney University, Australia), in the Music Cognition and Action group headed by Prof Peter Keller.

I am also member of the Nocions group headed by Prof André Mouraux, at the Institute of Neuroscience (UCL, Belgium) and associate member at BRAMS (Montreal, Canada).

2016-            Post-doctoral research fellowship

                    (Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Australian Research Council)

                     MARCS Institute, WSU, Australia

2013-2016    Post-doctoral research fellowship

                    (National Foundation for Scientific Research, Belgium)

                     Institute of Neuroscience, UCL, Belgium

2013             PhD in Neuroscience, with highest honors

                      Institute of Neuroscience, UCL, Belgium (supervisor A. Mouraux, MD PhD)

                      Brams, UdeM, Canada (supervisor I. Peretz, PhD)

2009             Medical Doctor

                      Faculty of Medicine, UCL, Belgium

2005             B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Music performance (piano) and music writing

                      Royal Conservatory of Music of Brussels (CRB), Belgium

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